Looking for a trustee to seamlessly manage your condo and make life easier for owners?
Why choose L'Immobilière Guignard as a partner :
For our knowledge
All of our missions are supported by experienced staff (accountants, assistants, managers of condominiums, ...) and exclusively dedicated to the Trustee activity.
Our operations are carried out under the supervision of a legal service and social service management (custodians, maintenance personnel ....) External
For our availability
Our leaders condominiums are available by phone, email or by appointment. Our offices are open Monday to Saturday, and can take into account the demands of owners
For our philosophy
Our conception of art is sitting on an acute sense of service to benefit our owners; and we believe that our role is not to decide for them. Each decision is made in relation to the union council and all accounts are actually separate and searchable
We are very attentive to the achievement of any work they are systematically, according to the thresholds passed in general meeting, multiple quote or bid market. We do not encourage them to perform work that is not necessary or desired by owners
Our contracts are established trustee for a period of one year; we are seeking to renew your confidence in each ordinary general meeting. We are part of a family business, our vision of the business resulting
Our rates
Our prices are fair voluntarily, not responding to any requirement of a financial group. They are transparent, the additional costs are virtually nonexistent and clearly identified
Each proposal is the subject of a specific study based on actual missions to be conducted
For our garantees
We have, and by extension all missions conducted through us serious guarantees by companies reference: our financial security and our professional liability insurance are underwritten by Credit Agricole and SERENIS INSURANCE.
And because we want to help you!